Home Inspections Report

A Buyer’s Home Inspection

A buyer’s home inspection are a helpful way to uncover information about the property you are interested in. They are performed by an independent inspectors, such as Greenwich Home Inspections, who look at the structural, functional, and safety elements of the property.

Our professionals perform a thorough inspection of the inside and outside of the property, as well as performing some testing procedures. Some tests, which may be optional, include water testing, insulation testing, and toxicity testing.

The inspectors are very knowledgeable in construction and what to look for when evaluating a property. The inspection gives you an unbiased evaluation of the property and points out any concerns or needs it has.

Greenwich Home Inspections produce reports are printed for both the buyer and seller of the property. These are kept confidential and are only given to people with right to receive them according to law. They are very useful for future reference as well!

There is always an opportunity to have your home inspected, but it is best to have an impartial one done.

What is the inspector’s experience?

Home inspector

A buyer’s home inspection is not the time to go with someone who has no experience with homes or inspections. Even if they know how to inspect things, if they have no knowledge of how houses fit together and function, they will not know what to look for.

Inspectors can have different specializations, such as environmental health, structural, or asbestos inspection. A health inspector will check for bacteria and other hazards, structural inspectors check for things like weak foundations or broken windows and doors, and asbestos inspectors check for asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

An inspector should have at least a few years of experience in the field. Our inspector’s have as much as 50 years of experience in Fairfield County. This level of experience ensures the inspector knows what they are doing and that they are looking at all the right things.

Before your home inspection begins, our inspector will meet with you to go over what will be inspected and what he or she will be looking for. They will also go over their findings at the end of the inspection.

What are their credentials?

Mag glass home inspection

Home inspectors may have either limited or comprehensive inspection credentials and receive their credentials through an education system, usually requiring a degree or certification.

In most states, you must be licensed to perform home inspections. This is due to the fact that you are conducting a inspection that could potentially identify significant problems with the property. comprehensive

Do they have a company?

Home Inspection Team

Another thing to look for is if the inspector is a part of any inspection companies. Greenwich Home Inspections has been in business for over 50 years. You can count on our experience exceeding the standards required. In fact, we expect to be held accountable to a set of standards to maintain our reputation in the field.

Will they come to the home and do a walk-through with me?

Walk through with client

Of course. We include a walk-through of the home with you so that you understand what we are looking for. This can be before a formal inspection in cases where you would like preliminary information before proceeding with the potential purchase of the home. While we are inspecting the interior and exterior of the house, we are also checking for safety features.

Our inspectors will check to make sure all windows have locks and that they are in working order. They will check the same for doors, and if they find any that are not secure, they will let you know.

They will also make sure the central heating system is in working order and is safe. The same goes for A/C units-they will check their functioning and safety.

If they notice any potential safety issues with these components, they will let you know. However, they may not warn you of minor issues that do not affect the overall safety of the house.

They may also tell you to contact professionals to further assess these issues, depending on the level of concern.

How much time will they spend inspecting the home?


When our inspectors examine a home, they typically spend two to three hours inspecting the interior and exterior of the house. Some may take longer if they find significant issues that require further investigation.

Inspectors are required by law to inspect certain parts of the house so there is some level of consistency in what areas are inspected. Things such as the electrical system, plumbing, and structural components are mandatory inspections. Other things such as appliances and minor details may be up to the inspector to check.

Can I be present for the home inspection?

Inspector showing buyer issues

Yes, you can be present for the home inspection. In fact, it is recommended! Our professional home inspectors will do a thorough inspection of the inside and outside of the house.

There are many reasons why it is good to be present during the inspection. You can learn some of those reasons below.

You will be able to learn about any issues with the house before you talk to the realtor and the seller. This will prevent any awkward conversations or legal issues later on.

You can also ask questions about what was said during the inspection. It is always good to have more information about something, even if it is good news.

The home inspector will be knowledgeable about what they are talking about so ask lots of questions! Being present during the inspection will make you a better buyer.

Will they photograph the home inspection?


Inspector taking pictures inside home  

During the home inspection, will the buyer’s agent photograph areas that need repair? If not, ask if you can.

In today’s world, everyone has a camera on their phone. This makes it easy to take pictures of the areas that need repair. Even if they do not know how to use the camera on their phone, they can ask someone who does to take pictures for them.

Many people use their phones as a replacement for cameras, and some even have great quality pictures on them. Using these instead of buying a separate camera can save money!

Some buyers may be uncomfortable asking someone else to take pictures for them, but asking someone who is willing is a good way to get some photos of the home inspection.

Taking these photos can help both the buyer and seller in the long run, as they have evidence of what needs repair.

What are their recommendations for repair or replacement?

Home Inspection Report

In some cases, the home inspector may find issues that would be costly to repair. In other cases, the issues may be minor and not require a large expenditure.

If there are minor issues, the home inspector may leave them off of the inspection report. This is because there are preset standards for what constitutes an acceptable inspection.

For example, if the bathroom fan does not work properly but there is a switch that turns it on and off, this may meet the standard for a passing inspection even though it does not function as intended.

If there are serious issues that would cost too much to repair, then that will noted on the a buyer’s home inspection report. You can use that report to decide if you still wish to purchase the house, negotiate a lower price, or retract your offer. Ethically, the inspector is not able to advise you as to which decision should be made.

Contact Greenwich Home Inspections today for a free consultation and put our 50 year’s of experience to work for you.

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