By Mike McCormick

Over the last 40 years, I have bought single family (personal) residences and rental properties. Early on, there was no formal home inspection professionals. If there was a concern over a property, one would contact their electrician, plumber, roofer, or other tradesperson to check things out. The inspections took time, and the reports were verbal in nature.

The typical course of action was to pass on the property if “I” thought there was a problem. Why? Because I did not know what I did not know. From the perspective of the personal residence, I wanted to enjoy the home and not find myself with a maintenance nightmare or worse. Rental properties were an investment based on a negotiated purchase price. It was understood that some work may need to be done but not so much that the investment became a cash drain. Home prices far below market could potentially make it a good buy. Yet there was a risk. If the price is that much lower than those  prevailing in the area, there had to be something missed.

After taking a couple financial baths, I realized that a proactive approach was necessary. All the properties were beautiful, but beauty is skin deep. It was what was not visible that required focus.


Costly mistakes resulting from lack of knowledge were on the uptick and they needed to be brought under control. Rather than assume that I could evaluate the condition of a property, I chose to bring in the experts. A professional home inspector has considerable knowledge of the inner workings of a property. Electrical, water, and HVAC are just the beginning. What about Radon gas, asbestos, lead paints, structural integrity, termite infestation, drainage issues and more. They bring their expertise to the job and if needed, call in specialists to further evaluate specifics.

When we are facing major heath decisions, we seek a second opinion. When we are signing detailed contracts, we seek legal advice. We have accountants, financial planners, and advisors for our investments. However, when we are purchasing a home, which is typically the largest investment we will make, we go it alone. Does that make sense?

Greenwich Home Inspections

Jonathan Miller and Greenwich Home Inspections have written blogs which appear on this website regarding home inspections. With 50 years of experience, they bring the expertise that you want. They are experts in their field. But they also bring something that you cannot put a price tag on…”peace of mind.”

As a buyer or a seller, knowledge is a valuable asset. Be  in the know. I encourage everyone to have a professional home inspection before buying or selling. It will be worth it.

Call Greenwich Home Inspections today at (203) 983-5496 

Contact Greenwich Home Inspections today.

Bio: Mike McCormick is a marketing executive, homeowner, and previously invested in residential rental properties.


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